United Nations Agency for the Ethical Develop of AI
United Nations Agency for the Ethical Development of AI is a possible tool, un-created yet, to take care of AI Ethics.
AI brings enormous benefits to the digital era, but it can also significantly compromise the safety and agency of users worldwide. Enhanced multi-stakeholder efforts on global AI cooperation are needed to help build global capacity for the development and use of AI in a manner that is trustworthy, human rights-based, safe and sustainable, and promotes peace.
“Digital technology is shaping history. But there is also the sense that it is running away with us. Where will it take us? Will our dignity and rights be enhanced or diminished? Will our societies become more equal or less equal? Will we become more, or less, secure and safe? The answers to these questions depend on our ability to work together across disciplines and actors, across nations and political divides. We have a collective responsibility to give direction to these technologies so that we maximize benefits and curtail unintended consequences and malicious use.”
Nel novembre 2021, i 193 Stati membri della Conferenza Generale dell’UNESCO hanno adottato la Raccomandazione sull’Etica dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, il primo strumento normativo globale sull’argomento. Questo testo storico stabilisce valori e principi comuni che guideranno la costruzione dell’infrastruttura giuridica necessaria per garantire uno sviluppo sano dell’intelligenza artificiale .
La Raccomandazione mira a realizzare i vantaggi che l’intelligenza artificiale apporta alla società e a ridurre i rischi che comporta. Garantisce che le trasformazioni digitali promuovano i diritti umani e contribuiscano al raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile, affrontando questioni relative alla trasparenza, alla responsabilità e alla privacy, con capitoli politici orientati all’azione sulla governance dei dati, l’istruzione, la cultura, il lavoro, la salute e l’economia.[1]
La Raccomandazione dell’UNESCO affronta l’etica dell’Intelligenza Artificiale come una riflessione multiculturale e in evoluzione di valori, principi e azioni interdipendenti che possano aiutare e guidare le società ad affrontare in modo responsabile gli impatti noti e sconosciuti delle tecnologie legate all’alveo dell’Intelligenza Artificiale sugli esseri umani, sulle società, sull’ambiente e sugli ecosistemi, offrendo così una solida base per comprendere, accettare o rifiutare le tecnologie dell’IA.[2][3]
Il 24 novembre 2021 la Conferenza Generale dell’UNESCO ha adottato la “Raccomandazione sull’etica dell’Intelligenza Artificiale”, il primo strumento normativo che fissa i principi etici dell’IA nel rispetto dei diritti umani e delle libertà fondamentali.
“Alcuni di questi problemi sono legati alla capacità dei sistemi di IA di eseguire compiti che in precedenza solo gli esseri viventi potevano fare, e che in alcuni casi erano addirittura limitati ai soli esseri umani. Queste caratteristiche danno ai sistemi di IA un ruolo nuovo e profondo nelle pratiche umane e nella società, così come nel rapporto con l’ambiente e gli ecosistemi, creando un nuovo contesto in cui i bambini e i giovani possono crescere, sviluppare una comprensione del mondo e di sé stessi, comprendere criticamente i media e le informazioni e imparare a prendere decisioni. A lungo termine, i sistemi di IA potrebbero sfidare il senso speciale dell'esperienza e dell'azione degli esseri umani, sollevando ulteriori preoccupazioni riguardo, tra l'altro, all’autocomprensione umana, all’interazione sociale, culturale e ambientale, all’autonomia, all’azione, al valore e alla dignità”.[2]
Preamble Recognizing the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and their impact on societies and individuals, Mindful of the ethical implications of AI and the need to ensure its development is in line with the best interests of humanity, Affirming the principles of respect for human rights, non-discrimination, fairness, transparency, and accountability in the context of AI, Acknowledging the need for a global framework to promote ethical AI development and use, Emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and coordination in addressing the ethical challenges posed by AI, The United Nations establishes the United Nations Agency for the Ethical Development of AI (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency") in accordance with the provisions set forth in this statute.
- Article 1: Mission 1.1 The mission of the Agency is to promote the ethical development and use of AI for the benefit of humanity and the greater good of society. 1.2 The Agency shall work towards ensuring that AI technologies are developed, deployed, and used in a manner that upholds human rights, respects human dignity, and fosters the sustainable development of all nations.
- Article 2: Functions 2.1 The Agency shall serve as an international forum for discussions, exchanges of information, and coordination of efforts related to the ethical development of AI. 2.2 The Agency shall provide guidance, recommendations, and best practices on the ethical use of AI, including principles of fairness, transparency, accountability, and non-discrimination. 2.3 The Agency shall facilitate capacity building and knowledge sharing among member states and other stakeholders to enhance their understanding of the ethical implications of AI. 2.4 The Agency shall promote international cooperation and partnerships to address global ethical challenges associated with AI, including issues related to bias, privacy, security, and social impact. 2.5 The Agency shall undertake research, studies, and assessments to better understand the ethical aspects of AI and its implications for humanity and society.
- Article 3: Membership 3.1 Membership in the Agency shall be open to all member states of the United Nations. 3.2 Other entities, including international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other relevant stakeholders, may be granted observer status or participate in the activities of the Agency as determined by its governing body.
- Article 4: Governing Body 4.1 The governing body of the Agency shall be composed of representatives from member states, who shall meet periodically to provide guidance, oversight, and direction to the Agency's activities. 4.2 The governing body shall adopt rules of procedure, make decisions by consensus or by other means as agreed, and ensure the effective functioning of the Agency. 4.3 The governing body shall establish appropriate mechanisms for stakeholder engagement and consultation, including with civil society, academia, and the private sector.
- Article 5: Secretariat 5.1 The Secretariat of the Agency shall be responsible for the day-to-day management and coordination of the Agency's activities. 5.2 The head of the Secretariat, known as the Secretary-General, shall be appointed by the governing body and shall report to it on the implementation of the Agency's mission and functions.
- Article 6: Financing 6.1 The Agency shall be funded by contributions from member states and other sources as determined by the governing body. 6.2 The governing body shall adopt a budget for the Agency's activities and ensure that sufficient resources are available to support its mission and functions.
- Article 7: Principles 7.1 The Agency shall operate in accordance with the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity, and independence. 7.2 The Agency shall ensure that its activities are guided by the principles of respect for human rights, non-discrimination, fairness, and the best interests of humanity.
- 7.3 The Agency shall work in a collaborative and cooperative manner, fostering international partnerships and engaging with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. 7.4 The Agency shall strive to promote inclusivity, diversity, and gender equality in all its activities, including its decision-making processes and composition. 7.5 The Agency shall adhere to the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in carrying out its mandate, and shall avoid any conflicts of interest that could compromise its independence and impartiality.
- Article 8: Reporting and Accountability 8.1 The Agency shall provide regular reports on its activities, progress, and outcomes to the governing body and other relevant stakeholders. 8.2 The Agency shall be subject to independent evaluation and review to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with its mission and functions. 8.3 The governing body shall oversee the Agency's performance and hold it accountable for the fulfillment of its mandate and responsibilities.
- Article 9: Cooperation with other entities 9.1 The Agency shall cooperate with other international organizations, entities, and initiatives working on AI ethics and related areas to promote synergy and avoid duplication of efforts. 9.2 The Agency shall collaborate with member states, academia, civil society, private sector, and other stakeholders to foster a multi-stakeholder approach in addressing ethical challenges posed by AI.
- Article 10: Amendments 10.1 This statute may be amended by the governing body of the Agency through a decision made by consensus or by other means as agreed. 10.2 Amendments to this statute shall enter into force upon adoption by the governing body and subsequent approval by the United Nations General Assembly.
- Article 11: Final Provisions 11.1 The Agency shall operate in accordance with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and shall seek to complement and support the work of other United Nations entities. 11.2 This statute shall come into effect upon its adoption by the United Nations General Assembly and the establishment of the Agency.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this statute.
Done at [Location], on [Date], in [Language] and [Language], both texts being equally authentic.
- https://sdgs.un.org/sites/default/files/2021-04/Resource%20Guide%20on%20AI%20Strategies_April%202021_rev_0.pdf
- https://www.un.org/techenvoy/sites/www.un.org.techenvoy/files/general/Artificial_Intelligence_Summary_PDF.pdf
- https://www.un.org/en/content/digital-cooperation-roadmap/